About Usgreenlawn


As a resident of Long IslandĀ and pet owner, I want to know my lawn is completely safe for my kids & pets, and know many others feel the same way. Many studies have been done on pesticides proving they can be harmful to our health and to the environment. EcoGreen Lawn Care uses a product that is 100% natural organic fertilizer. The innovative program that we use not only safeguards our families and the environment, but also works better than traditional lawn care programs and is cost competitive.

A lawn care company can claim they use organic fertilizers even if the product is only organic based and still contains chemicals. EcoGreen uses 100% natural organic products and can document that no synthetic chemicals are used in this program. Our process develops a healthy soil and root system which is the foundation of a healthy lawn. If you want a lush green lawn without using potentially unsafe chemicals and pesticides, contact EcoGreen Lawn Care for a free evaluation!

We also offer a Traditional environmentally sensitive lawn care program. This program features custom blends of traditional and organic fertilizers. This custom organic fertilizer blend produces a beautiful, lush green turf while increasing the organic content in the soil. The improved soil profile provides a better base for consistent color, better disease resistance, stronger root system and increased drought tolerance. Traditional lawn care programs only make your lawn green. Our program provides complete lawn care to make your lawn healthy!